自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 日常生活的审美化打破了审美活动与日常生活的界限,使得审美活动与审美因素大举进入日常生活空间(如美容院、健身房、街心花园、购物中心、旅游胜地等)。面对这种现象,美学与文艺学工作者应该突破审美活动的自律性观念,打破美学研究的传统对象,关注日常生活的审美化并寻找美学研究的新的生长点;同时,必须警惕日常生活审美化中存在的新的不平等现象,批判性分析新媒介人阶层的社会角色与意识形态,揭示审美化与大众消费主义意识形态以及市场逻辑的合谋。
关键词: 审美化;日常生活;新媒介人;中产阶级
Aestheticization of everyday life and thinking of the subject of literature and art
TAO Dong-feng
(College of Literature, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100089, China)
Abstract: The author presents that the aestheticization of the everyday life breaks out the borderline between art and non-art, the result of which is that our daily life is fully represented with aesthetic factors.This is obvious in the newly emerged public spaces (such as beauty parlors, street gardens, gymnasiums,shopping centers, tourist sites, etc.), where the aesthetic activities and daily life are mixed together. The author argues that we should change our view of art as expressed in the notion of disinterestedness, shift the focus of our studies from high art and traditional aesthetics to the aesthetic phenomena of the daily life,and pay critical attention to the new forms of social inequality and power relations hidden behind the process of aestheticization. The author points out that the aestheticization of everyday life is part of the ideology treasured by the newly emerged middle classes who are closely associated with media and we should be aware of its relation to the ideology encouraged by the government.
Key words: aestheticization; everyday life; new mediator; middle class
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