文章编号:1672-3104(2005)03-0300-08 |
中部地区城市化的路径选择 |
袁建良 |
(国家开发银行湖南省分行,湖南长沙, 410007) |
摘 要: 东部地区的区位优势,沿海的城市群兴起,凸显了中部地区与东部地区在经济基础和城市的现状上的较大差异。按照国际上城市化的理论,结合中部地区的特点,中部地区的城市化不能比照东部发达地区城市化的路径。中部地区的城市化必须优先发展省会城市和重点中心,做大做强具有一定经济基础和产业基础的中等地级城市,做大县级城市(镇)。 |
关键词: 中部地区;中部崛起;城市化;省会中心城市;地级市 |
Thoughts on approaches to urbanization in eastern areas |
YUAN Jian-liang |
(Hunan Branch China National Development Bank, Changsha 410007, China) |
Abstract: Advantages in eastern areas as well as rapid development in coastal cities display the distinctive differences between central and eastern areas in their economic bases and urban states. The urbanization in central areas can not follow the development pattern practiced in eastern areas. Top priorities should be given to cities of provincial capitals while great efforts should be made to quicken the development in middle-sized regional cities with relatively sound economic and industrial bases with enough consideration taken into account of the county cities and towns. |
Key words: central area; urbanization; cities of provincial capitals; regional cities |