文章编号:1672-3104(2005)02-0256-05 |
建立中国特色的大学生心理健康教育模式的思考 |
胡凯 |
(中南大学政治学与行政管理学院,湖南长沙, 410083) |
摘 要: 中国大学生心理健康教育模式,应“以教育发展型为主、医学型为辅”,具有防治心理疾病、完善心理调节、培养良好的心理品质“三级功能”,是生理、心理、伦理、社会相结合的具有中国特色的大学生心理健康教育模式。这一模式的建立,可从教育、咨询、理论方法、管理及队伍建设等方面入手,坚持既有的成功作法,又不断进行革新。 |
关键词: 大学生;心理健康教育;心理;生理;伦理;社会 |
Thoughts on the mental healthy education for undergraduates in Chinese Universities |
HU Kai |
(School of Political Science and Executive Administration, Central South University, Chang sha, 410083, China) |
Abstract: The characteristic of the mental healthy education for undergraduates in Chinese universities is that it gives priority to education and development,complements therapy. It has three functions: to prevention and cure mental diseases, to adjust mental fettle, and to foster mental quality. The mental healthy education for undergraduates in Chinese universities combines psychology with physiology, ethics and society. At the same time,it puts forward the projects of mental healthy education, psychological consultation, management and practitioners. |
Key words: undergraduates; mental healthy education; psychology; physiology; ethic; society |