文章编号:1672-3104(2005)01-0046-06 |
中国(长沙)信托国际论坛综述 |
张军建,王巍 |
(中南大学法学院,湖南长沙,410083) |
摘 要: 在中国(长沙)信托国际论坛上,来自不同国家、地区的理论界和实务界人士围绕“信托与中国”这一主题,对信托理论与信托理念、信托立法与信托法制、信托税制与信托监管、信托产品设计与运作、信托业的现状与发展、信托人才培养与管理等一系列前沿问题展开了研讨。 |
关键词: 信托;信托法;信托业;信托市场 |
A survey of Changsha Trust International Symposium(2004) |
ZHANG Jun-jian, WANG Wei |
(School of Law, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) |
Abstract: During Changsha Trust International Symposium(2004), scholars and experts from various countries and regions focused the topics on Trust & China, and discussed ardently on trust theory & trust idea, trust legislation & trust legal system, trust taxation & trust regulation, trust product design & operation, trust industry'status quo & development, trust talent’training & manage, etc. |
Key words: trust; trust law; trust industry; trust market |