文章编号:1672-3104(2005)05-0598-06 |
金圣叹对《水浒》的“症候阅读” |
孙宗胜,吴子林 |
(华北科技学院文法系,北京, 101601;中国社会科学院文学研究所,北京, 100732) |
摘 要: 金圣叹对于《水浒》的删削,包括对宋江的“改写”和对小说的“腰斩”;这些删改是金氏“读者精神”的积极参与,实为金圣叹的“症候阅读”。“症候阅读”激发出了文学文本内部的能量,强化了小说评点的政治意识形态批判功能。 |
关键词: 金圣叹;删削《水浒》;读者精神;症候阅读 |
On Jin Shengtan s symptomatic reading of Shuihu |
SUN Zongsheng, WU Zilin |
(School of Arts and Law,North China Institute of Science&Technology, Beijing 101601, China;
Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732, China) |
Abstract: Jin Shengtan s revision of Shuihu,including his rewriting of its main character named Song Jiang and abridgment of Shuihu, is the spirit of the reader s participation. It is Jin Shengtan s“Symptomatic Reading”which evokes the inner energy of literature and strengthens function of political ideology. |
Key words: Jin Shengtan; revision of Shuihu; the spirit of the reader; symptomatic reading |