自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(中山大学中国非物质文化遗产研究中心,广东广州, 510275)
摘  要: 小说《鼠疫》借助对苦难、死亡与存在的思考,将现代人的生存困境推到极致,构造了人类反抗姿态与荒诞处境之间的张力,肯定了一种力所能及的行动,提示无神时代的现代人在爱中寻找信仰之源。因此,在荒诞与反抗之间实现自我的定位,成了《鼠疫》给予现代人的重要启示。
关键词: 加缪;《鼠疫》;荒诞;反抗
Between absurdity and rebellion———InterpretingThe Plague
WANG Hongchen
(Institute of Chinese Traditional Drama and Immaterial Heritage, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China)
Abstract:Based on the thinking about suffering, death and being, Albert Camus novelThePlaguetook the hard circumstances of the modern man to the extreme. It built the tension between absurdity and rebellion, and confirmed a kind of action in one power. The novel provided the modern man with love in seeking faith at the terrible time. So, how to locate oneself between absurdity and rebellion becomes the important aspect for the modern man s thinking.
Key words:Alert Camus;The Plague;absurdity; rebellion
Abstract: Based on the thinking about suffering, death and being, Albert Camus novelThePlaguetook the hard circumstances of the modern man to the extreme. It built the tension between absurdity and rebellion, and confirmed a kind of action in one power. The novel provided the modern man with love in seeking faith at the terrible time. So, how to locate oneself between absurdity and rebellion becomes the important aspect for the modern man s thinking.
Key words:Alert Camus;The Plague;absurdity; rebellion
Key words: Alert Camus;The Plague;absurdity; rebellion
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