自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(中南大学文学院,湖南长沙, 410083)
摘  要: 在诠释学意义上,文本的意义被理解为一个“理解事件”,是文本语言信息与读者个体经验的交流,除此之外,读者的“理解”还应受到既有批评成果的制约。文本的意义应该是阅读者在解读文本时所产生的全部思想内容。当然,这“全部的思想内容”并不是读者自由思想的结果,而是读者个体经验与积淀在文本及其相关批评中的历史经验的交流与融合。由试验可知:1)如果不给予任何附加信息,读者对文本意义的理解是最模糊的和最宽泛的;如果只给予作品的本事信息,则读者对文本意义的理解是最明确和最狭窄的;而当给予大量的批评信息时,读者对文本意义的理解就变得异常丰富和富于思辨性。2)批评家的观点可以帮助读者知识结构的提升,开拓作品阅读时的想象空间,但无助于改变读者既有的好恶感和价值判断。
关键词: 文本意义;作者本义;本事
The testing report about resultant factor of text-meaning
BAI Yin, ZHANG Meng, WANG Xiao-dong
(School of Literature, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: In the sense of hermeneutics, the meaning of text is understood as the“understanding the accident”, which is communication between verbal information of the text and individual experience of reader.In addition, the“understanding”of reader is restricted by vested critical achievements. Hence the meaning of text is defined as all the thought of readers which come into being via unscrambling the text. Cetainly, this“all the thought of readers”is not the freethinking results of readers but digestion including all the individual experience of readers and historical experience within the criticism. The basic conclusion of the experiment is as follows: firstly, without any additional message, readers understanding of the text is ambiguous and broad; when given some additional messages, readers understanding of the text is definite and narrow; when given a lot of additional messages, their understanding of the text is rich and wise. Secondly, opinions of critics can promote the knowledge structure of readers, broaden the imaginary space, which may be a futile act to change vested moral sense and valuation of readers.
Key words: meaning of text; original thought of author; original event of text
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