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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 住房是一具有很强社会分层效果的变量。对湖南省的一个小城镇进行调查发现,小城镇居民的住房逻辑与中国大中城市的住房逻辑存在相当大的差别:在小城镇住房场域下,(1)城乡户口壁垒基本消解;(2)职业、学历、年龄等变量在度量住房差异方面解说力小;(3)对住房差异影响最大的变量是收入。究其原因主要是因为在小城镇存在大量的自建房现象,自建房现象使小城镇的社会结构似乎呈现出一种“融合”,并且“融合”的关键不是因为社会精英之间的“共谋”而出现社会资源配置一体化,而是凭籍“自建房”这一政策的实施,不同阶层的群体协同参与而出现“和谐”局面。
关键词: 住房利益;小城镇住房;自建房;阶层融合
Study on the trend of syncretising of classes resulting from the transformation
of inhabitant s housing interests in small town, China
LI Bin, XU Lan
(Department of Sociology, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: Using the key concept of“Cleavage”, Professor Liping Sun claims that there occurs crisis in the social structure to China. Choosing the variables of housing which can explain the effects in social stratification, this study analyzed the social structure in a small town of Southern China. The author finds that there exists big difference in the housing logic between big cities and small towns, which occur in the housing area of small town. The first is that the difference of Hukou (registered permanent residence) between city and country disappeared. The second is that the housing diversity is quite small among the dwellers who hold different jobs, at educational levels and ages. The third is that the income effects dwellers housing very much. The reasons are due to the fact that there exists large numbers of dwellers who built the houses by themselves. The phenomena of“building houses by oneself”prevent social structure in small town from splitting. Furthermore there occurs a kind of“Syncretising”which is not resulted from the collusion among the elites, but from the fact that the policy of Self-Building-Houses has been practiced.
Key words: housing interests; small town housing; self-built houses; syncretising of classes
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