自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(中南大学外国语学院, 湖南长沙,410075)
摘  要: 工程类英语国际学术期刊论文多用名词词组型标题,一般可以分出对象(用S表示)、述象(用P表示)两大信息组成成分。统计分析表明,对象后置式(PS)标题与对象中心式(PSP)标题较常见。在论文标题信息代码化研究的基础上,可归纳出英语论文摘要首句信息与标题信息的四种关联类型,即:首句信息与标题信息不相关型、首句主位信息与标题信息相关型、首句述位信息与标题信息相关型、首句主位述位信息都与标题信息相关型。这四种类型及其“次类型”又可表达为大胆效仿型、适中效仿型、谨慎效仿型,以供研究生润色首句时参考。虽然实际存在的英语论文摘要首句信息与标题信息的关联情况甚多,但通过符号代码都可以简洁地表述成各种“型式”。
关键词: 工程类英语论文;论文摘要;论文标题
Relevance patterns of messages: between the first sentences ofabstracts and the titles of the corresponding engineering journapapers
XU Jun, WU Ning
(College of Foreign Languages, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China)
Abstract: Most titles of papers in international English engineering journals belong to the noun phrase type. According to the messages conveyed, this type of titles usually has two components, i.e. S and P. According to statistics, PS titles and PSP titles are popular and frequently used. This result benefits the postgraduates improving their paper titles.Based on the codification of title messages, the first sentences of abstracts are classified into four categories: (1) that not related with the corresponding title at all; (2) that related with the corresponding title through its theme; (3) that related with the corresponding title through its rheme; (4) that related with the corresponding title through both its theme and rheme. All these four categories and their subcategories are analyzed into three types, i.e., those can be imitated boldly, those casually, and those cautiously; which provides references for postgraduates revising their first sentences of abstracts.Complex though the relevance patterns of messages conveyed between the first sentences of abstracts and the titles of the corresponding journal papers are, they can be put briefly through codification into various patterns.
Key words: engineering journapapers in English; abstract; title
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