自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(浙江大学法学院,浙江杭州, 310028;中南大学政治学与行政管理学院,湖南长沙, 410083)
摘  要: 邓小平执政伦理思想是中国传统民本思想的历史超越,是马克思主义、毛泽东为民谋利思想的继承和发展。邓小平执政伦理思想可以归结为:立党为民,执政为民。其中以民为本,执政为民是邓小平执政伦理思想的基石与根本出发点;民主执政,依法执政是它的制度保障;共同富裕是它所追求的最终目的;“三个有利于”则是它的价值判断标准。它们共同构成了邓小平执政伦理思想的完整体系。
关键词: 邓小平;执政伦理;立党为民;执政为民
On DENG Xiao-ping s ethical theory of governance
LIN Guo-zhi, LI Jian-hua
(College of Law Zhejiang University, Zhejiang 310028, China;
School of Politics Science and Administration, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: DENG Xiao-ping s ethical theory of governance is a historical transcendence of the traditional theory of laying store on the people s interest in China, and it is also the inheritance and development on the theory working for the people s interest of Marxism and MAO Ze-dong. DENG Xiao-ping s ethical theory of governance can be summarized to establish the Chinese Communist Party for the people and direct it governance for the people. And the governance for the people and ruling on the foundation of the people are the fundamental starting point and foundation in DENG Xiao-ping s ethical theory of governance; ruling through democracy and ruling by law are the institution indemnity of DENG Xiao-ping s ethical theory of governance; and its ultimate aim will make all the people in China wealthy together; and the“Three Profits”is its value judgment criterion. All of these make up the integrity system of DENG Xiao-ping sethical theory of governance.
Key words: DENG Xiao-ping; ruling ethics; establishing the Chinese Communist Party for the people; governace for the people
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