自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 在关于人类自身的诸多问题中,生命问题是最核心和最重大的问题,对人类具有最直接和最现实的意义,人类的一切文化创造和精神成果都可以归结到生命这一前提性因素上来。从西方生命思想的理论进路来看,不仅不同时期的生命思想呈现出明显的分野,就是在同一时期也有各种观点的尖锐对立;不仅在生命本体上存在着重大分歧,对生命的价值判断更是众说纷纭,存在着非常复杂和充满对立的思想形态。叔本华的生命意志哲学、尼采的权力意志哲学、柏格森的生命冲动学说和弗洛伊德的精神分析学说重新审视现代人的生存处境,主张把一切还原到生命,标举生命的本体意义,呈现出对生命极为丰富的哲学省察。
关键词: 生命;西方生命思想;生命价值观;生命本体观
The theoretical process of western life theory and its significance
WU Touwen
(School of Humanities, Hunan Uniersity of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China)
Abstract: Among questions concerning human existence, life is the most vital one, which is of the most direct and realistic significance, and all the cultural inventions and the spiritual achievements people are triggered by to this premise factor. Judging from the theoretical process of the western life theory, we could see not only the sharp differences of the life theory in different periods of time, but it the great different points of view even in the same period. Moreover, a lot of differences exist in the life essence, and the assessment of the value has not reached its consensus. Arthur Schopenhauer 's life philosophy, Nietzsche's the will to power philosophy, Henri Bergson’s the life impulsion theory and Freud's psychological analysis, all of which can lead us in the reexamination of the survival of the modern people, helping us to go back to the originality of life, and highlighting the essential meaning of life, which presents a tremendous philosophical inspection to the abundance of life.
Key words: life; western life theory; life value; life essence
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