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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 割让台湾与日本的殖民统治、蒋氏父子的专制统治的台湾特殊历史造成了台湾人民祖国认同心理的特殊复杂性和悲情意识的产生。而台湾特殊的政治选情,扩张了台湾民众的悲情意识。台湾民众的悲情意识影响台湾政治,使得台湾政治在很大程度上偏离其正常的轨道。同时对两岸关系造成冲击,给两岸和平统一带来新的挑战,危害祖国的统一大业。要想使台湾民众的悲情意识得以化解,促进祖国的统一大业,就应当采取原则性与灵活性相结合的政策,争取岛内民心;落实对台利好政策,加强经济交流合作,理解并尊重两岸人民的特殊情感。
关键词: 台湾;悲情意识;反独促统;历史因素;政治因素
Taiwanese’s consciousness of sad feeling: its origin, influence and solutions
LUO Huijun, WANG Dongliang
(School of Politics and Administration, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;
School of Politics, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: The special history of Taiwan has caused the complexity of identification and produced the tragic consciousness of Taiwanese people. The special history included three main events: the cession of Taiwan Province, the colonial rule by Japan and the dictatorship by Chiang Kai-shek and his son. Taiwan's special political election situation extremely expanded the tragic consciousness, which had affected the political situation in Taiwan and forced Taiwan’s politics to deviate from the normal track. It is harmful to the cross-strait relations and national reunification as well. In order to dispel the tragic consciousness, the policies we should take are as suggested follows: to win the popular sentiment of Taiwanese people by means of principle and flexibility; to reinforce economical exchange and cooperation; to implement the beneficial policy to Taiwan; to understand and respect the special feelings of Taiwanese people in order to dispel their consciousness of sad feeling and promote the reunification of China.
Key words: Taiwan; consciousness of sad feeling; anti-independence and promoting reunification
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