自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 交往合理性概念是哈贝马斯为解决现代性危机而提出的。由于哈贝马斯的理论与韦伯理论的关系及他本人后期工作重心的转移,这一概念在现代合理性图谱中的定位似乎一直是悬而未决的。要解决这一问题,关键在于理解交往合理性与道德-实践合理性的关系。哈贝马斯先后在认识兴趣理论和交往行为理论中,从理性兴趣和行为领域这两个层面对这两种合理性做出过区分。这只是二者关系的一个方面。在哈贝马斯的理论中,交往合理性的任务是,面对认知-工具合理性的过度膨胀,既要承认现代社会已经分化的基本合理性之间相互独立的事实,又要在此前提下实现它们的有限统一。据此,面对自身合法领地遭到侵蚀的状况,道德-实践合理性应当依据交往合理性所提供的有效性要求、原则与程序,实现自身重建,具体包括道德、法律和宗教三个具体领域。
关键词: 哈贝马斯;交往合理性;道德-实践合理性;现代社会
Habermas on the relationship between communicative rationality and moral-practical rationality
HOU Zhenwu
(College of Philosophy, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, China)
Abstract: The concept of communicative rationality is proposed by Habermas in order to solve the crisis of modernity. Because of the relationship between Habermas's theory and Weber's theory, and because of the shift in the focus of his later work, the position of this concept in the modern map of rationality seems to have been unresolved. The key to solving this problem lies in understanding the relationship between communicative rationality and moral-practical rationality. In the theory of cognitive interest and the theory of communicative action, Habermas has distinguished between these two rationalities from the two levels of rational interest and behavior, which is merely one aspect of the relationship. In Habermas's theory, the task of communicative rationality is to both acknowledge the fact that the basic rationalities of modern society have been differentiated from each other, and to achieve their limited unity under this premise. Accordingly, in the face of the erosion of one's legitimate territory, moral-practical rationality should be reconstructed in accordance with the validity requirements, principles and procedures provided by the communicative rationality, which includes the three specific areas of morality, law and religion.
Key words: Habermas; communicative rationality; moral-practical rationality; modern society
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