自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 人类命运共同体理念的国际传播既是扎实推进“一带一路”建设和持续构建人类命运共同体的题中应有之义,也是以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的必然要求。基于“还原论”,作为人类交往及发展的现实表达和理想构型,人类命运共同体理念既是一种政策信息,也是一种价值观念,还是一种行动框架。这就决定了人类命运共同体理念的国际传播应是多向度的:政策信息传播向度的信息传递、价值观念传播向度的价值传通、行动框架传播向度的行为传动。当前,人类命运共同体理念国际传播过程中存在传而不知、传而不通、传而不动的现实困境。基于此,在信息传递方面,应由官方叙事转向多元叙事;在价值传通方面,应由单向宣传转向交互融通;在行为传动方面,应由自我主导转向共同创造,以推进人类命运共同体理念的国际精准传播。
关键词: 人类命运共同体理念;国际传播;信息传递;价值传通;行为传动
Three dimensions of international dissemination of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind and its promotion
CAO Qingyan, ZHANG Bei
(School of Marxism, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: The international dissemination of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind not only has the significance of promoting the ''Belt and Road'' initiative and constructing a community with a shared future for mankind, but is also an inevitable requirement for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization. Based on the "reductionism" perspective, it can be observed that, as a realistic expression and idealistic framework for human interaction and development, the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind is not only a form of policy information, a set of values, but also an action framework. This determines that the international dissemination of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind should be multidimensional: information transmission in the dimension of disseminating policy information, value communication in the dimension of disseminating values, and behavioral transmission in the dimension of disseminating action frameworks. Currently, there are realistic dilemmas in three dimensions of dissemination, that is, being transmitted without being known, without being understood, and without being implemented. Therefore, in terms of information transmission, there should be a shift from official narratives to diverse narratives; in terms of value communication, there should be a shift from one-way propaganda to interactive communication; in terms of behavioral transmission, there should be a shift from self-guidance to joint creation so as to advance the precise international dissemination of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind.
Key words: the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind; international dissemination; information transmission; value communication; behavioral propulsion
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