自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 如果说剩余价值学说的发现使得表征马克思哲学的唯物史观得以问世,那么马克思晚年用唯物史观的思维方式审视现代化道路,就是对现代化道路本质的准确把握。马克思晚年用唯物史观对现代化道路实现的条件进行历史性分析,在批判传统现代化道路“唯一性”理论的同时,也表征了现代化道路本身应该是一种可选择的发展道路。马克思晚年唯物史观研究对从前思索的“猴体解剖方法”的运用,既将前资本主义社会研究正式纳入唯物史观的研究视域,又通过对私有制、资本主义国家起源问题等的回答,进一步明确了现代化发展道路多样性的现实可能。通过对古代社会氏族制度、西欧主要民族国家和俄国发展道路的个案分析,马克思晚年唯物史观在明确各民族和各国家之间社会发展道路存在差异性的同时,也论证了“另一种现代化道路”探索的科学性。
关键词: 马克思晚年思维方式;唯物史观审视;现代化道路反思;现代化道路多样性;另一种现代化道路
The innovation of materialist historical methodology in the study of Marx's modernization path in his late years
CAO Dianshun
(Philosophy Paradigms Research Institute, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, China)
Abstract: If the discovery of the theory of surplus value led to the emergence of the historical materialism that marked Marx's philosophy, then in his later years, his examining the path toward modernization with the thinking mode of historical materialism indicated an accurate grasp of the essence of the "path toward modernization". In his later years, Marx, through historical materialism, offered a historical analysis of the conditions for realizing modernization, criticized the traditional theory of "uniqueness" of the path toward modernization, and at the same time represented that the path toward modernization itself should be an "optional" path. Marx's application, in his later years of historical materialism research, of the "monkey anatomy method" that he had previously pondered, not only formally incorporated the study of "pre-capitalist society" into the scope of historical materialism, but also further clarified the practical possibility of "diversity" in the path toward modernization by answering questions about private ownership and the origin of capitalist countries. Through the case analysis of the clan system in ancient society, the major nation-states in Western Europe and the development path of Russia, Marx's historical materialism in his later years not only clarified the existence of differences in the social development path among different nations and countries, but also demonstrated the scientificity of exploring "another path toward modernization".
Key words: Marx's thinking mode in his later years; historical materialist examination; reflection on the path toward modernization; diversity of paths toward modernization; another path toward modernization
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