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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 反垄断法规制经营者集中的核心举措是申报审查制,而规定申报标准是其中的制度起点。数值化的申报标准并不具有绝对的辨识功能,未达到申报标准的经营者集中仍有可能排除、限制竞争,在数字经济背景下尤其如此,故此类经营者集中仍有被反垄断法规制的必要。域外经验也表明,反垄断法有必要对未达申报标准的经营者集中予以规制,为此引入了诸多创新性制度。我国新修改的《反垄断法》增设的相关条文解决了原有立法下规制未达申报标准经营者集中的法律依据不充分的问题,但因规则不够明确、权力约束不足,仍存在实施层面的挑战。为应对挑战,有必要系统性地明确、更新我国规制此类经营者集中的制度架构,其中的核心任务是围绕“有证据证明该经营者集中具有或者可能具有排除、限制竞争效果”这个前提条件,将定性化的文本内容予以明确化甚至指标化,强化相关制度的可操作性。
关键词: 反垄断法;未达申报标准的经营者集中;事前商谈制;守门人制度
Regulation of anti-monopoly law on the concentration of undertakings under the threshold level
LI Guohai, WANG Xiao
(School of Law, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: The core initiative of anti-monopoly law to regulate the concentration of undertakings is the notification and review system. And the threshold level is the starting point of the system. The numeric declaration standard is not of absolute identification function. The concentration of undertakings under the threshold level may still eliminate and restrict competition, especially in the context of the digital economy. Therefore, it is necessary for the anti-monopoly law to regulate such concentration of undertakings. Overseas experience also reveals that it is necessary for anti-monopoly law of China to regulate the concentration of undertakings that fail to reach the thresholds level. Thus, many innovative systems have been introduced for this purpose. The newly revised Anti-Monopoly Law of China has established new clauses to solve the problem of inadequate legal basis for regulating the concentration of undertakings under the thresholds level, but there are still challenges in implementation because of the unclear rules and insufficient power constraints. To face up to the challenges, it is necessary to systematically clarify and update the institutional framework of regulation such concentration of undertakings. The core task is to focus on the premise that "there is evidence to prove that the concentration has or may have the effect of eliminating and restricting competition", the qualitative text should be clear, even indexing, so as to strengthen the applicability of the relevant rules.
Key words: anti-monopoly law; the concentration of undertakings under the threshold level; pre-notification contacts; gatekeeper
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