文章编号:1672-3104(2023)03-0206-10 |
重返古希腊——对《蝇王》中现代性问题的反思 |
阴志科,罗仕淋 |
(温州大学人文学院,浙江温州,325006) |
摘 要: 《蝇王》为现代性作出的诊断是理性自身出现异化,且具有暴力属性,其异化动因可追溯至古希腊时期。在小说中,西蒙被杰克等人当作野兽杀死,是特殊性主体欲获致普遍性真理,即理性内在矛盾运动的结果;而不同人物对野兽的解释,隐喻了知识权力的对抗,也涉及荒岛统治权的争夺。荒岛统治权的更迭表明了理性的脆弱与无力。在拉尔夫和杰克的斗争中,权力借用身体,从保存主体与消灭违逆权力的主体两个方面,实现了挣脱理性束缚和压制主体理性的目的,最终导致主体理性丧失了自我反思的功能。小说“机械降神”的结尾,为解决理性的内在矛盾提供了一个可能的方案。在现代性语境下解读《蝇王》,并与《俄狄浦斯王》等古希腊作品进行互文阐释,对重新理解当下的理性、权力及两者关系,具有重要意义。 |
关键词: 威廉·戈尔丁;《蝇王》;现代性;主体理性;权力 |
Back to ancient Greece again: Reflections on the modernity in Lord of the Flies |
YIN Zhike, LUO Shilin |
(School of Humanities, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325006, China) |
Abstract: The diagnosis made by Lord of the Flies for modernity is the alienation of reason itself with violent nature. The reason for its alienation can be traced back to the ancient Greek period. In the novel, Simon is killed as a beast by Jack and others, which is the result of the special subject's desire to obtain the universal truth, that is, the internal orthodox of reason. Different characters' interpretations of beast imply confrontation of power about knowledge, as well as the struggle for dominion over the desert island. The change of the dominion indicates the fragility and powerlessness of reason. In the struggle between Ralph and Jack, the power possesses the body to realize the purpose of breaking away from the bondage of reason and suppressing the subjective reason from two aspects: preserving the subject and eliminating the subject who violates the power. Finally, it causes the subjective reason to lose the function of self-reflection. The end of the novel called "deus ex machina" provides a possible solution to the internal orthodox of reason. Reading and understanding Lord of the Flies in the context of modernity and interpreting it intertextually with ancient Greek works such as King Oedipus have important significance for us to re-understand the current reason, power and the relationship between them. |
Key words: William Golding; Lord of the Flies; modernity; subjective reason; power |