文章编号:1672-3104(2023)03-0174-11 |
人工智能时代大学生国家认同的挑战与应对 |
王翔,何睦 |
(中南大学马克思主义学院,湖南长沙,410083) |
摘 要: 培养大学生的国家认同感是高校思政教育的核心任务。在人工智能时代,数智运行方式深刻地改变着人类的生产和生活方式,大学生国家认同的主、客体要素也在潜移默化地变化:主体层面主要是对大学生主体性及主客关系的冲击,使得大学生国家认同感的主体基础被消解;客体层面主要是对国家存续端赖的政治共同体、经济发展形态、历史文化传统以及国家治理、法律模式等要素的挑战。在人工智能时代,应对大学生国家认同的挑战需要从国家治理角度依靠法治手段展开:主观层面对人工智能技术引发的主体性危机进行伦理框定与修正,厚植人文精神,以德性价值和爱国主义理念引领人工智能时代的爱国教育;客观层面对人工智能技术作用场域的弊端进行制度规约,创建合法、合理、公正、包容、共享的人工智能结构体系、爱国教育体系和国家社会发展体系。 |
关键词: 人工智能;大学生;国家认同;主客体要素 |
The challenge and countermeasures of college students' national identity in the age of AI |
WANG Xiang, HE Mu |
(School of Marxism, Central South University, Changsha, 410083, China) |
Abstract: It is the core element of IPE (Ideological and Political Education) in colleges and universities to cultivate college students' national identity. In the context of AI (Artificial Intelligence), the operation mode of artificial intelligence has profoundly changed the production and life style of human beings, and the subject and object elements of college students' national identity are changing imperceptibly in that the subject level is mainly the subversion of college students' subjectivity and subject-object relationship, which makes the subject basis of college students' national identity disappear, and also in that the object level mainly refers to the threat and deconstruction of the political community, economic development form, historical and cultural tradition, national governance and legal mode on which the country depends. To tackle the challenge of national identity of college students in the era of AI, we need to undertake it by taking the perspective of national governance and by resorting to the legal way. At the subjective level, we need to frame and revise the subjectivity of AI, to cultivate the humanistic spirit, and to guide the patriotic education in the era of artificial intelligence with virtue value and patriotism. At the objective level, we need to regulate and respond to the scope of AI, and to create a legal, reasonable, fair, inclusive and shared AI structure system, patriotic education system and national social development system. |
Key words: AI (Artificial Intelligence); college students; national identity; subject and object elements |