文章编号:1672-3104(2023)03-0141-16 |
不连续创新下新兴技术创新网络形成机理研究——基于云计算和智能手机技术的案例分析 |
马慧1,曹兴1, 2 |
(1. 湖南第一师范学院商学院,湖南长沙,410205;
2. 中南大学商学院,湖南长沙,410083) |
摘 要: 新兴技术具有不连续创新的特征,推动了新兴技术创新网络的形成及其演化。结合生命周期理论,深入分析了新兴技术不连续创新形成的机理,揭示了不连续创新下新兴技术创新网络的形成过程。选取云计算和智能手机技术为研究对象,通过构建新兴技术创新网络,分别分析正向不连续和反向不连续创新对新兴技术创新网络形成的影响。研究发现:不连续创新下新兴技术具有知识创造带来的技术垂直跨越的特征,以及知识融合带来的技术水平跃迁的特征,并在新兴技术创新网络形成中,呈现网络中心向外辐射和网络边界向内渗透的两种模式;云计算技术是现有技术领域的重大突破,具有正向不连续创新特征,云计算技术创新网络呈现出快速增长、结构模块化和中心不变等特征;智能手机技术体现了多技术领域的跨界融合,具有反向不连续创新特征,智能手机技术创新网络呈现出动态平衡、结构中心化和中心突变等特征。 |
关键词: 新兴技术;不连续创新;创新网络 |
Research on the formation mechanism of emerging technological innovation network under discontinuous innovation: Case analysis based on cloud computing and smart phone technology |
MA Hui1, CAO Xing1, 2 |
(1. Business School of Hunan First Normal University, Changsha 410205, China;
2. Business School of Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) |
Abstract: The development of emerging technologies has the characteristics of discontinuous innovation, which promotes the formation and evolution of emerging technology innovation networks. The paper, by combining the life cycle theory, analyzes the formation mechanism of discontinuous innovation of emerging technologies, and discloses the formation process of emerging technology innovation network under discontinuous innovation. The study selects cloud computing and smart phone technology as the research object, and by constructing emerging technology innovation network, respectively analyzes the positive effect and negative effect of discontinuous innovation on the formation of emerging technological innovation network. The study finds that the discontinuous innovation of emerging technologies has the characteristics of technological vertical leap brought by knowledge creation and technological level transition brought by knowledge integration, and presents two modes in the formation of emerging technology innovation network correspondingly: outward radiation from network center and inward infiltration from network edge. The study also finds that cloud computing technology is a major breakthrough in the existing technology with the characteristics of positive discontinuous innovation, while the cloud computing technology innovation network presents the characteristics of rapid growth, modular structure and unchanged center; and that smart phone technology reflects the cross-border integration of multiple technology fields and has the characteristics of reverse discontinuous innovation, while the technology innovation network of smart phone presents the characteristics of dynamic balance, structure centralization and center mutation. |
Key words: emerging technology; discontinuous innovation; innovation network |