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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: NFT交易平台作为新型网络交易平台,主要存在法律定性未被言明、判定责任原则模糊、责任边界不清等问题。根据经营模式的不同,NFT交易平台划分为不同的类型:注册制、申请制的NFT交易平台属于新型技术服务提供者,邀请制的NFT交易平台视情况分属于新型技术服务提供者或者新型技术服务提供者兼内容服务提供者。因NFT具有不可变性,NFT交易平台无法履行避风港原则规定的删除义务,为实际达到预防侵权可能或控制侵权扩大的目的,应将删除义务转化为审查义务,增加和强化主动审查和被动审查内容。NFT交易平台在承担责任方面,应当分类分级,科学划定责任边界。NFT交易超级平台和NFT交易大型平台承担更高的注意义务,NFT交易中小平台承担一般注意义务。
关键词: NFT交易平台;技术服务提供者;避风港原则;注意义务
Liability of NFT trading platforms: Legal nature, imputation principles and boundaries
YU Fenglei, YAO Mengyuan
(School of Law, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)
Abstract: As a new type of online trading platforms, NFT trading platforms mainly have such problems as unclear legal definition, fuzzy principle of responsibility determination, and unclear boundary of responsibility. According to the different business models of trading, the NFT trading platforms are classified into different types: NFT trading platforms of registration system and application system belong to the new technology service provider, and the NFT trading platforms of invitation system belong to the new technology service provider, or the new technology service provider and content service provider, depending on the situation. Due to the non-variability of NFT, NFT trading platforms cannot fulfill the deletion obligation stipulated in the safe harbor principle. In order to actually achieve the purpose of preventing the possible or controlling the expansion of infringement, the deletion obligation should be transformed into the review obligation, and the content of active review and passive review content should be added and strengthened. In terms of responsibility, NFT trading platform should be classified, graded, and scientifically delineated in the boundaries of responsibility. NFT trading super platforms and NFT trading large platforms should assume a higher duty of care, while NFT trading small and medium platforms the general duty of care.
Key words: NFT trading platforms; technology service provider; safe harbor principle; duty of care
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