自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 组织是一个历史性范畴,尽管人类的所有实践活动总是依托于特定的组织形式,但不同的历史性生产方式赋予不同的组织形式以特定内容。在《资本论》及其手稿中,马克思科学揭示了资本主义生产组织的历史由来与本质规律,奠定了组织理论的唯物史观基础。以比岱和迪梅尼尔为代表的法国新马克思主义基于其“元结构”理论和当代资本主义的新变化,提出要把组织问题提升为一种基本的社会协调逻辑,主张从市场与组织的相互蕴含中把握现代社会的阶级关系和阶级结构,以此重新找到革命主体。但因为立场的偏颇与方法的局限,他们无法对这些新现象做出准确的解读。梳理马克思的组织理论及其哲学意义,进而阐明“元结构”理论与唯物史观的方法论区别,不仅有助于揭示组织化资本主义的历史逻辑与本质内涵,而且有助于深化对马克思资本主义批判理论的理解。
关键词: 法国新马克思主义;组织;阶级关系;《资本论》;管理革命
Interpretation of modern social organization and class relations in Neo-Marxism and its evaluation: Take Jacques Bidet and Dumenil as examples
WANG Yicheng
(School of Politics and Public Administration, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China)
Abstract: Organization is a historical category. Although all practical activities of human always rely on specific organization forms, different historical production modes give different organization forms specific contents. In Das Kapital and its manuscripts, Marx scientifically disclosed the historical origin and essential law of capitalist production organization, and laid the foundation of historical materialism of organization theory. Based on the theory of meta-structure and the new changes of contemporary capitalism, French Neo-Marxism, represented by Jacques Bidet and Dumenil, proposed to upgrade the organizational problem into a basic social coordination logic, and advocated to grasp the class relations and class structure of modern society from the mutual implication of market and organization, so as to rediscover the revolutionary subject. But because of the bias of the position and the limitation of the method, they are unable to make an accurate interpretation of these new phenomena. Sorting out Marx's organization theory and its philosophical significance, and then clarifying the methodological parallax between "meta-structure" theory and historical materialism, not only helps to reveal the historical logic and essential connotation of organized capitalism, but also has important significance for deepening Marx's critical theory of capitalism.
Key words: French Neo-Marxism; organization; class relations; Das Kapital; management revolution
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