自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 应急管理数字化建设是推动应急管理体系与能力现代化的重要路径。基于文献梳理,构建“情境—资源—策略”分析框架,运用模糊集定性比较分析方法对全国31个省份进行实证分析,探究地方政府应急管理数字化建设绩效的影响因素与生成路径。研究发现,高水平应急管理数字化建设绩效的生成路径有四条:情境-策略型、情境主导型、策略驱动型、融合发展型。数据开放度在四条路径中都是核心条件,是地方政府应急管理数字化建设的“关键技术支点”;情境因素在四条路径中都起重要作用,问责压力与灾害压力是目前政府应急管理数字化建设的主要动力,未来地方政府应该将外在压力转化为内在驱动力。在跨案例对比中发现,欠发达地区采取积极主动的行动策略,如增加政策注意力分配,可以弥补欠发达地区客观禀赋的不足。
关键词: 应急管理;数字技术;数据开放;策略驱动;组态路径
Influencing factors and generating paths of digital construction performance of emergency management——Based on the situation-resource-strategy framework
GAO Shan1,2, FANG Jia1 , ZHANG Ye1
(1. School of Public Administration, Central South University, Changsha, 410017
2. School of Economics, Management and Law, University of South China, Hengyang, 421001)
Abstract: The digital construction of emergency management is an important way to promote the modernization of emergency management system and capabilities. Based on literature combing, this paper constructs a "situation-resource-strategy" analysis framework, uses fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis method to conduct empirical analysis in 31 provinces in China, and explores the influencing factors and generation paths of local government emergency management digital construction performance. It is found that there are four ways to achieve high-level digital construction performance of emergency management, namely, situation-strategy, situation-led, strategy-driven, and integrated development. Data openness is the core condition in the four paths, and it has become the "key technical fulcrum" of local government emergency management digitalization. Situational factors play an important role in all four paths, and with accountability pressure and disaster pressure being the main driving forces for the digital construction of emergency management, local governments should turn external pressure into internal driving in the future. In the cross-case comparison, it is found that the less developed regions adopt proactive action strategies, such as increasing the allocation of policy attention, which can make up for the innate lack of objective endowments compared with developed regions.
Key words: emergency management; digital technology; data openness; policy-driven; configure the path
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