文章编号:1672-3104(2023)02-0083-13 |
我国现代化社会转型影响有组织犯罪的机理与驱动因素 |
黄明儒1,成波1,2 |
2.湖南中医药大学马克思主义学院,湖南长沙,410208) |
摘 要: 现代化社会转型的不稳定性导致法律规范的更替不及时抑或供给不足,深刻地影响着有组织犯罪的发展及其态势。在我国现代化社会转型过程中,不同时期影响有组织犯罪发生与激增的因素各有侧重,具有最大影响力的是经济趋利化和政治权力异化。“唯经济至上”是有组织犯罪发生的“源动力”,贫富不均与社会分层是犯罪有组织化的“聚集力”,经济转轨中的趋利化是有组织犯罪逐利的“驱动力”,“权力异化”是有组织犯罪迭代的“助推剂”。权力作为的缺失是有组织犯罪形成非法控制的“催化剂”,权力滥用、腐败是有组织犯罪走向高级形态的“催熟剂”。 |
关键词: 有组织犯罪;现代化社会转型;犯罪原因;社会学分析;影响机理 |
Mechanism and driving factors of organized crime affected by the transformation of our modernized society |
HUANG Mingru1,CHENG Bo1,2 |
(1. School of Law, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China;
2. School of Marxism, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha 410208, China) |
Abstract: The transformation of our modernized society has profoundly affected the development and dynamics of organized crime because of its instability, which exerts a profound effect on the untimely replacement of legal norms or insufficient supply. In the transformation of Chinese modernized society, the factors affecting the occurrence and explosion of organized crimes are different in different periods, and the most influential ones are "economic only" (economic profit-seeking) and political power alienation. "Economic supremacy" is the "source power" of organized crime, among which wealth inequality and social stratification are the "forces of aggregation" of organized crime, and "profit-seeking" in economic transition is the "driving force" of organized crime to pursue profits, and "power alienation" is the "booster" of the iteration of organized crime. The absence of power acts is the "catalyst" for the formation of illegal control of organized crime, and the abuse of power and corruption are the "ripening agent" for the advanced form of organized crime. |
Key words: organized crime;transformation of the modernized society;cause of the crime;sociology analysis;influencing mechanism |