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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 中国式现代化具有深厚牢固的伦理基础,是由多种伦理价值支撑的现代化。这些伦理价值主要包括:中国式现代化以全体人民共同富裕促进社会公平正义,以经济高质量发展把公正伦理具体化,因而蕴含着公正伦理;中国式现代化通过促进物的全面丰富和人的全面发展,实现物质富足、精神富有,以此来消解人的异化,因而蕴含着人道伦理;中国式现代化以人与自然和谐共生为价值诉求,以善待自然为基本要求,走绿色发展之路,因而蕴含着共生伦理;中国式现代化以世界和平发展为价值诉求,以互惠互利、合作共赢为基本要求,走世界和平发展与自身发展相统一的现代化新路,因而蕴含着合作伦理。四大伦理都贯穿着以人民为中心这一伦理价值原则,构成中国式现代化的伦理价值规范体系,使中国式现代化既奠立于人类历史和文明发展的普遍规律的基础上,也厚植于伦理正当性的基础上。
关键词: 中国式现代化;公正伦理;人道伦理;共生伦理;合作伦理
The ethical dimension of Chinese path to modernization
GONG Tianping, ZHAO Yanyan
(School of Philosophy,Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan 430073,China)
Abstract: Chinese path to modernization has a deep and solid ethical foundation, which is supported by a variety of ethical values. These ethical values mainly include the following aspects. First, Chinese modernization promotes social fairness and justice with the common prosperity of all the people, and embodies the ethics of justice with the high-quality development of economy. Second, by promoting the comprehensive enriching of things and the comprehensive development of people, the Chinese modernization achieves material and spiritual wealth to dispel the alienation of people, which thus contains the humane ethics. Third, Chinese modernization takes the harmonious coexistence of man and nature as the value pursuit, treats nature well as the basic requirement, and takes the path of green development, which contains the ethics of symbiosis. Forth, China's modernization takes world peace and development as its value pursuit and mutual benefit and win-win cooperation as its basic requirement, and pursues a new modernization path that integrates world peace and development with its own development, which thus implies the ethics of cooperation. The people-centered ethical value principle runs through all the four ethics, constituting the ethical value standard system of Chinese modernization, which makes Chinese modernization not only based on the universal law of human history and civilization development, but also firmly rooted in the ethical legitimacy.
Key words: Chinese path to modernization;ethics of justice;ethics of humanity;ethics of symbiosis;ethics of cooperation
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