自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(中国政法大学 博士后流动站,北京,100088)
摘  要: 20世纪中叶,证据学研究开始从关注证据规则的领域转向关注证明过程,从而产生“新证据学”。尽管到了20世纪80年代中期,这种新证据学派得到了快速发展,并成为了一项主要的国际运动,它遇到来自各方面的挑战也不断增多。这些挑战表明更广义的新证据学必然形成。它与狭义的新证据学之间的区别不仅表现在“新”的意义不同,还体现在“学”的含义不同;不仅突出创新,还强调其“科学性”。广义新证据学的出现,表明具有综合集成性质的综合性证据科学的形成。
关键词: 新证据学;交叉学科;证据科学
Towards a science of evidence from the new evidence scholarship
ZHANG Nanning
(Postdoctoral Station of China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088, China)
Abstract: In the middle part of the twentieth century, research on evidence began to transform from a field concerned with the articulation of rules to a field concerned with the process of proof. This wave resulted in the establishment of the New Evidence Scholarship. This new species of evidence scholarship had grown substantially and became a major international movement by the mid-1980 s, but it faced many challenges. It showed that a very broader view of the new evidence scholarship should be established. The distinctions between the narrow new evidence scholarship and the broad one embodied not only on the different meaning of the word “New,” but also the implication of “scholarship.” The broad new evidence scholarship incarnated the interdisciplinary trend of evidence scholarship and underlined its “scientific” nature. The central theme of this paper is, to the effect that, the development of the broad new evidence scholarship ultimately leads to the occurrence of a science of evidence which is comprehensive in nature.
Key words: new evidence scholarship; interdisciplinary; science of evidence
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