自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(1. 西南林业大学经济管理学院,云南昆明,650224
2. 国家发展和改革委员会国土开发与地区经济研究所,北京,100045)
摘  要: 乡村包容性增长是乡村振兴的本质要求,农民组织化是重塑乡村主体性并实现共同富裕的重要路径。研究基于云南省乡村面板数据,应用广义矩估计模型(GMM),揭示了农民组织化影响乡村包容性增长的路径机理。研究发现,农民组织化具有“做蛋糕”和“分蛋糕”的双重功能:以农村基层党组织为表征的农民政治组织化具有积极的收入增长效应和收入分配效应,促进了乡村包容性增长;以农民合作社为表征的农民经济组织化具有积极的收入增长效应和消极的收入分配效应,在提高乡村收入水平的同时拉大了乡村的贫富差距;组织互嵌具有积极的收入增长效应和收入分配效应,促进了乡村包容性增长。更为关键的是,农民合作社的收入分配效应并不是天然的,其“益贫性”依赖农村基层党组织的嵌入、精准扶贫政策的介入和较高的乡村经济发展水平。据此,从提高农民参与农村基层党组织积极性、创新农民合作社体制机制和加快“党支部+合作社”互嵌式发展方面,提出了促进乡村包容性增长的农民组织化策略。
关键词: 农民组织化;农民政治组织化;农民经济组织化;组织互嵌;包容性增长
An empirical analysis of the farmers' organization promoting rural inclusive growth: Based on the perspective of rural grass-roots party organizations and farmers' cooperatives
XIE Yanming1, TANG Jinchao1, ZHANG Liangang1, HUANG Zhengxue2
(1. School of Economics and Management, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming,650224, China;
2. Institute of Land Development and Regional Economy, National Development and Reform Commission, Beijing 100045, China)
Abstract: Rural inclusive growth is the essential requirement of Rural Revitalization. Farmers' organization is an important path to reshape rural subjectivity and achieve common prosperity. Based on the rural panel data in Yunnan Province, the path mechanism of farmers' organization affecting rural inclusive growth is revealed by using the generalized moment estimation model (GMM). The findings are as follows: Farmers' organization has the dual function of "making a cake" and "dividing the cake". The political organization of farmers characterized by the rural grass-roots party organizations, has positive income growth effect and income distribution effect, and promotes rural inclusive growth. The farmers' economic organization characterized by the farmers' cooperatives, has both positive income growth effect and negative income distribution effect, which means increasing the rural income level and at the same time widening the gap between the rich and the poor. The intercalation of organizations by the interaction of the two has positive income growth effect and income distribution effect, which is conducive to rural inclusive growth. More essentially, the income distribution effect of farmers' cooperatives is not natural, its "poverty benefit" depends on the embedding of the rural grass-roots party organizations, and the intervention of targeted poverty alleviation policies and the higher level of rural economic development. Based on this, the article puts forward the countermeasures of farmers' organization to promote rural inclusive growth from the aspects of improving the enthusiasm of farmers to participate in the rural grass-roots party organizations, innovating the system and mechanism of farmers' cooperatives and accelerating the embedded development of "party branches + cooperatives".
Key words: farmers' organization; farmers' political organization; farmers' economic organization; intercalation of organizations, inclusive growth
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