自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(1. 湖南工商大学经济与贸易学院,湖南长沙,410205;
2. 湖南工商大学资源环境学院,湖南长沙,410205)
摘  要: 为积极应对双碳目标约束下的雾霾污染挑战,探究更有效的雾霾污染治理模式,选择从发展不平衡的视角对中国雾霾污染的空间外溢现象的形成机理进行理论阐述,并运用空间杜宾模型(SDM)对中国城市雾霾污染的空间外溢效应进行了实证分析。研究结论表明:发展不平衡背景下中国城市间的雾霾污染存在普遍的空间溢出现象,将发展不平衡因素纳入雾霾污染的空间溢出模型进行研究,对中国的雾霾污染外溢现象具有更好的解释效果;发展不平衡的程度加剧会显著增强雾霾污染的溢出效应,反之,则有利于降低污染的空间溢出效应;发展不平衡对中国雾霾污染空间溢出的结构效应也存在显著的影响,在雾霾污染的空间转移过程中,发达地区通常比欠发达地区处于更有利的地位。政策建议如下:高度重视发展不平衡因素对雾霾污染的影响效应,统筹谋划区域经济协调发展与雾霾污染防治整体效果的提升问题;高度重视跨行政区域之间的雾霾污染协作治理机制建设,提升我国大气环境治理体系与治理能力的现代化水平;高度重视发达地区与欠发达地区之间的利益平衡问题,创新生态补偿机制,建立公平与效率并重的中国大气环境治理新模式。
关键词: 发展不平衡;雾霾污染;溢出效应;空间杜宾模型(SDM)
Study on the impact of unbalanced development on the spatial spillover effect of haze pollution in China
NIE Guoqing1, ZHU Yinyan2, ZHANG Jiapei2
(1. School of Economics and Trade, Hunan University of Technology and Business, Changsha 410205;
2. School of Resources and Environment, Hunan University of Technology and Business, Changsha, 410205)
Abstract: In order to actively respond to the challenge of haze pollution under the constraint of double carbon goals and to explore more effective haze pollution control modes, this paper chooses to explain theoretically the formation mechanism of spatial spillover of haze pollution in China from the perspective of unbalanced development, and uses Spatial Dubin Model (SDM) to analyze empirically the spatial spillover effect of urban haze pollution in China. The research findings show that in the background of unbalanced development, there is a common spatial spillover phenomenon of haze pollution among Chinese cities, that the study of integrating the unbalanced development factors into the spatial spillover model of haze pollution can better explain the haze pollution spillover phenomenon in China, that the aggravation of development imbalance will significantly increase the spillover effect of haze pollution, while on the contrary, it will help to reduce the spatial spillover effect of pollution, that development imbalance also has a significant impact on the structural effect of spatial spillover of haze pollution in China, and that in the process of spatial transfer of haze pollution, developed regions are usually in a more favorable position than underdeveloped regions. The paper puts forward such policy recommendations as attaching great importance to the impact of unbalanced development factors on haze pollution, planning the coordinated development of regional economy and the improvement of the overall effect of haze pollution control, paying enormous attention to the construction of cooperative governance mechanisms for smog pollution across administrative regions, improving the modernization of China's atmospheric environment governance system and governance capacity, placing emphasis on the balance of interests between developed and underdeveloped regions, innovating the ecological compensation mechanism, and establishing a new model of China's atmospheric environment governance which attaches equal attention to fairness and efficiency.
Key words: unbalanced development; haze pollution; spillover effect; Spatial Dubin Model (SDM)
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