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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 在2018年修正的《中华人民共和国宪法》文本中,既存在作为社会进步标志的“文明”,也存在作为具体国家目标的“文明”。中国宪法上的“文明”概念,是民族生活和民族精神的规范表达,其规范构造和规范内涵显示出在历史文明观、整体文明观、发展文明观和国家建构文明观上的独特性。这一独特性是基于中国源远流长的文明传统,基于近代国家建构的革命历程以及改革开放后对马克思主义理论中国化的创造性发展。中国宪法中“文明”概念的相关规范,具有促进文明国家发展和塑造现代文明公民的制度意义,是建构中国文明标准与文明话语的规范基础。中国宪法中“文明”概念的规范构造,指明了建设社会主义文明国家的目标纲领,并通过将国家目标纲领与具体的国家义务相融贯的方式,为中国现代文明国家的构建提供了根本的制度保障。
关键词: 宪法;文明国家;文明概念;国家纲领;国家义务
“Civilization” in China’s current constitution: The normative connotations and institutional significance
(Editorial Department of Journal of Legal Philosophy, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 100088, China)
Abstract: In the text of the Constitution of People’s Republic of China amended in 2018, there exists “civilization” both as the icon of social development and as the specific goal of the country. The concept of “civilization” in the constitution is the normative expression of national life and national spirit, and its normative structure and connotations manifest its peculiarity in material civilization, overall civilization, development civilization and national construction civilization. Such peculiarity is based on China’s long and far-reaching history of civilization, and on the revolutionary progress of modern national construction as well as the creative development of Marxist theory in Chinese style after the opening-up of the country. The relevant norms of the concept of “civilization” in the constitution has the institutional significance of promoting the construction and development of a civilized country and shaping modern civilized citizens, and serves as the normative basis for constructing the civilization standards and civilization discourse of China. The normative structure of the concept of “civilization” in the constitution clearly points out the goal and programme of building a socialist civilized country, and, by integrating the goal and program of the country with its specific obligations, provides the fundamental institutional guarantee for constructing China into a modern civilized country.
Key words: the constitution; civilized country; concept of civilization; state programme; state obligations
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