文章编号:1672-3104(2022)02-0199-14 |
论晋末南朝时期的“岭南之弊” |
杨雅婷,王铿 |
(北京大学历史学系,北京,100871) |
摘 要: 东晋南朝时期的“岭南”一词,所指范围较现今意义广泛得多。晋末刘宋时期,频见于史籍的“岭南之弊”,主要指此地官吏的贪墨之风。司马元显、刘裕、刘义隆对“岭南之弊”的处理,既显示了中央力图有效管辖地方的实践,亦反映了主政者与地方官吏之间的资源争夺,是帝制时代皇权与官僚权力既相互依存又相互钳制的共生关系的一个缩影。岭南地域自身的发展程度、政治形势、为政风气、国家财政情况,则是影响主政者对“岭南之弊”态度的重要因素。 |
关键词: 东晋南朝;岭南;岭南之弊;《宋书·良吏传》 |
On the malady of Ling Nan in late Jin and Southern Dynasty |
YANG Yating, WANG Keng |
(Department of History, Beijing University, Beijing100871, China) |
Abstract: The term “Ling Nan” in the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasty referred to a much broader sense than its current use. In the period of Liu Song of late Jin, the phrase of “the malady of Ling Nan” which frequently appeared in historical records, mainly suggested a trend that local officials were completely corrupted by material interests. The attempts of SimaYuanxian, Liu Yu and Liu Yilong to abolish the malady of Ling Nan both revealed a practice for the central government to effectively administrate the local, and reflected the fight for resources between the major administrators and local officials. It was also an epitome of the mutual existence between royal rights and local court power which was both inter-dependent and mutually restrictive at the age of monarchy. And the development level of the Ling Nan area, its political situation, its governance atmosphere and financial condition of the government constituted key factors affecting the administrators’ attitude towards this problem. |
Key words: Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasty; Ling Nan; the malady of Ling Nan; Biography of Good Officials of Songshu |