自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 艺术珍品是全人类共同的宝贵财富,能够充当跨越国界的传播使者,超越意识形态偏见,克服语言和文化等传播障碍与传播隔阂,建立起可共通的话语空间。中国国宝级艺术珍品传播以全人类共同价值为引领,以模因制造和扩散为路径,向世界展示了不同历史时期中华文化的深层魅力,深层次彰显了中国国家形象及国际地位。探寻中国国宝级艺术珍品的全新时代内涵,揭示中国国宝级艺术珍品传播展示国家形象的内在机制与规律,有助于摆脱冷战思维强加于中国的刻板印象,实现国家形象跨意识形态传播的新路向,为在当今国际形势下讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音,展示真实、立体、全面的中国,提供理论依据和思想资源。
关键词: 国宝级艺术珍品;国家形象;中华文化;跨意识形态传播
Dissemination of China's national art treasures: A new direction of constructing China's national image
ZHANG Kun, LIU Shuang
(School of Journalism and Information Communication, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China)
Abstract: Art treasures, as the common precious wealth of the whole humankind, can act as communication messengers across national boundaries, transcend ideological prejudice, overcome communication obstacles and barriers such as language and culture, and establish a common discourse space. Guided by the common value of all mankind, the dissemination of China's national art treasures, and meme manufacturing and diffusion as the path, displays to the world the profound charm of Chinese culture at different historical periods, and deeply demonstrates China's national image and international status. Exploring the connotations of China's national art treasures in the new era, and disclosing the internal mechanism and rules of the dissemination of China's national art treasures in displaying the national image, will help to get rid of the inherent stereotype imposed on China by cold-war mentality, and to realize the new direction of cross ideological dissemination of the national image, hence providing theoretical basis and ideological resources for telling Chinese stories, spreading Chinese voice and displaying a real, multi-dimensional and comprehensive China under the current international situation.
Key words: national art treasures; national image; Chinese culture; cross ideological dissemination
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