自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 马克思在大学学习至《莱茵报》工作期间实现了其早期的法哲学转向。但是在思想发展历程整体性的视域中,该转向的深刻内涵和深远意义被严重忽视。与传统视域不同,在思想结构整体性视域下,马克思早期的法哲学思想转向是一个集法的方法论转向、法的本质论继承和法的价值论超越的复杂过程,且该过程对马克思实现法哲学的思想立新和唯物转向产生重要影响。在方法论层面,马克思抛弃了康德的理想主义方法论而在黑格尔理性主义方法论中构建起法的形而上学思路;在本质论层面,马克思运用理性主义方法对法哲学的出场命题、原初命题和现实命题进行了分析,在继承法哲学传统命题中自由理念的同时,发展出自己独特的法哲学思想;在价值论层面,马克思对法的现实性提出质疑,并将人民性融入法哲学研究,从而实现了对传统法哲学思想的超越。
关键词: 《莱茵报》;马克思法哲学;理性主义方法论;法的现实性;人民性
Beyond the cognitive barriers of methodological shifts: The multiple intentions of Marx's early legal philosophical turn
WANG Haobin, LI Yong
(School of Marxism, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: From his college years to his working period at Rheiner Zeitung, Marx accomplished his early legal philosophical turn, but the profound connotations and far-reaching significance of this turn were seriously neglected from the perspective of the holistic ideological development process. Different from the traditional perspective, in the perspective of the ideological structure integrity, Marx’s early legal thought turn was a complex process that combined the methodological turn of law, the inheritance of the essence of law and the transcendence of the axiology of law, and this process exerted a huge impact on the realization of ideological innovation and materialistic turn of Marx's legal philosophy. At the methodological level, Marx abandoned Kant’s idealistic methodology and constructed the metaphysical thinking of law based on the Hegelian rationalist methodology. At the essentialist level, Marx used rationalist method to carry out the propositions, original propositions and realistic propositions of legal philosophy. Analysis shows that, while inheriting the concept of freedom in the traditional propositions of legal philosophy, Marx’s own unique germ of legal philosophy emerges. At the axiological level, Marx questioned the reality of law and integrated “affinity to the people” into the study of legal philosophy, thus realizing the transcendence of traditional legal philosophy.
Key words: Rheiner Zeitung; Marx’s legal philosophy; rationalist methodology; reality of law; “affinity to the people”
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