自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 传统儒学情论的基本理路一是在性体情用的体用框架下来理解“情”;二是基于存在的立场,以“情”为思考人之存在的基础和本源。基于这一理路,传统儒学论情有两个重要特质:一是立足于切己的生存体验;二是在天人一体的文化诠释背景下主张因共情而通情。合理借鉴传统儒学论情的这两项特质,不仅有助于化解当代情感教育中因对情感过度知识化、结构化、工具化以及个体自我化而造成的不当影响,也有助于发掘和建设当代国人充满生机而又切己自觉的情感生活以及因共情而通情的和谐共存的生存理念。更具意义的是,儒学论情的特质还能为当代中国提出并践行“人类命运共同体”这一文化价值理念提供重要的思想支撑。
关键词: 重情;生生;切己;共情;通情
Line of reasoning, peculiarity, and contemporary value of traditional Confucian theory on emotions
(School of Philosophy and Sociology, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China)
Abstract: The basic line of reasoning of traditional Confucian theory on emotions aims first to understand emotions under the practical framework of gender-body-emotion, and second, based on existential standing, to treat emotions as the basis and origin of considering one’s existence. On the basis of this line of reasoning, there are two important characteristics of traditional Confucian theory of emotions. One is to take one’s own immediate existential experiences as the footing, while the other is to advocate mutual moral understanding because of empathy under the background of cultural interpretation of the unity of universe and man. Reasonably drawing lessons from the two characteristics of traditional Confucian theory of emotions helps not only to dissolve the negative influence caused by over-intellectual, over-structured, over-instrumentalized emotion and egotism of the individual in our contemporary emotional education, but also to explore and construct the dynamic and self-conscious emotional life of contemporary Chinese people and the concept of harmonious coexistence due to empathy. Most significantly of all, Confucian theory of emotions also provides an important ideological support for contemporary China to put forward and practice the cultural value concept of "a community with a shared future for mankind".
Key words: emotion-oriented; production and reproduction; immediate concern for the self; empathetic with one another; mutual moral understanding
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