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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 《山海经》没有所谓的刘向、刘秀两次校书,它是在刘秀主持下一次校定的。刘秀校定的古本《山海经》只有十三篇,不含《大荒经》以下五篇,他《上〈山海经〉表》所称的“十八篇”应为“十三篇”之误,“三十二篇”应为“四十二篇”之误。四十二篇是刘秀校定《山海经》时所使用的原始材料,包括在汉代以前已成定本的《山经》二十六篇及两种版本的《海经》十六篇。刘秀主要对两个版本的《海经》进行合校,以“一曰”的形式保存了其中一个版本的异文。《大荒经》以下五篇自成书后一直单篇流传,直到郭璞为《山海经》作注的时候才并入古本《山海经》,成为今本《山海经》。
关键词: 《山海经》;篇目;刘秀;郭璞;校定
A study on the contents and related issues of Shanhaijing
JIA Wenhe
(College of Chinese Language and Literature, Southwest Minzu University, Chengdu 610225, China)
Abstract: Of Shanhaijing, there were not so-called two collations by Liu Xiang and Liu Xiu , but only one proof-reading presided over by Liu Xiu. Liu Xiu's ancient version of Shanhaijing consists of only 13 chapters, excluding the next 5 chapters following Dahuangjing. The "18 chapters" mentioned in his Table Preceding Shanhaijing should be an error of "13 chapters", while "32 chapters" should be the error of "42 chapters". The 42 chapters are the original materials used by Liu Xiu in collating Shanhaijing, including the 26 pieces of Shanjing and 16 chapters of the two editions of Haijing which had been finalized before the Han Dynasty. Liu Xiu mainly collated the two versions of Haijing, and preserved one of variations in the form of "Yiyue". The next 5 chapters following Dahuangjing have been circulated in a separate version since its compilation. It was not until Guo Pu's annotation of Shanhaijing that the 5 chapters were incorporated into the ancient version of Shanhaijing and became the present version of Shanhaijing.
Key words: Shanhaijing; contents; Liu Xiu; Guo Pu; proofreading
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