自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(上饶师范学院文学与新闻传播学院, 江西上饶, 334001)
摘  要: “空间”是透视帝国主义的一个重要视角。帝国主义从一开始便形塑了极具辨识度的空间话语,无论是旧帝国主义时期的领土扩张与地理殖民,还是新帝国主义时期的资本输出与市场垄断,都包含了鲜明的空间性。在帝国主义的演变进程中,出于转移内部空间矛盾和化解内部空间危机的需要,其空间话语经历了由“内”而“外”的地理位移。对“外空间”的侵占、剥夺和打压成为帝国主义最为主要的空间策略。随着殖民统治的结束,帝国主义转而采取了更具伪装性和迷惑性的空间话语,继续维系其在帝国之外的空间霸权。帝国主义的空间话语将凸显空间的等级性、追求空间的非均衡性、制造空间的破坏性。对嬗变的帝国主义及其空间话语进行批判性考察,有助于我们更加全面地辨识帝国主义的发展动向和透视帝国主义的本质。
关键词: 帝国主义;空间;帝国;殖民;霸权
Transmuted imperialism and its critique of spatial discourse
WU Hongtao
(School of Literature, Journalism and Communication, Shangrao Normal University, Shangrao 334001, China)
Abstract: Space is an important perspective to investigate imperialism. From the very beginning, imperialism has shaped a highly recognizable spatial discourse. Whether it is the territorial expansion and geographical colonization of the old imperialist period, or the capital export and market monopoly of the new imperialist period, imperialism contains a distinct spatiality. In the process of the evolution of imperialism, out of the need to transfer internal space contradictions and to resolve its internal space crisis, its spatial discourse has undergone a geographical displacement from inside to outside, and the occupation of "the outer space", deprivation and suppression has become the main spatial strategies of imperialism. With the end of colonial rule, imperialism has turned to adopting more disguised and deceptive spatial discourse, and continued to maintain its spatial hegemony outside the empire. The spatial discourse of imperialism will inevitably highlight the hierarchical nature of space, the pursuit of spatial imbalance, and the destructiveness of creating space. A critical investigation of evolving imperialism and its spatial discourse will help us identify more comprehensively the development trends of imperialism and the essence of imperialism.
Key words: imperialism; space; empire; colonial; hegemony
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