自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(1. 中南大学商学院,湖南长沙,410083;
2. 湖南工商大学前沿交叉学院,湖南长沙,410205)
摘  要: 创新资源环境的管理,是应对国家资源环境安全不确定性持续增大的需要,也是破解资源环境管理领域存在的一系列瓶颈和难题的需要。大数据、人工智能、物联网、区块链等新一代信息技术的融合发展,为资源环境协同管理的创新提供了重大契机与技术支撑。新一代信息技术驱动下的资源环境协同管理,应既具有系统性、多主体性、协同性、精细化等外部特征,又能以“点-线-面”逐步递进的内在逻辑,通过数字赋能提升资源环境管理价值。通过创新资源环境智慧化管理的理论和技术,构建多方协同的资源环境智慧管理体系,研发资源环境一体化协同管理平台等主要路径,实现资源环境智慧化协同管理。
关键词: 新一代信息技术;资源环境管理;协同管理
The theory logic and realization path of resource and environment coordinated management driven by new generation information technology
CHEN Xiaohong1,2, ZHANG Weiwei1, YI Guodong2, TANG Xiangbo2
(1. School of Business, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;
2. School of Frontier Crossover Studies, Hunan University of Technology and Business, Changsha 410205, China)
Abstract: Innovative management of resources and environment is to cope with the increasing uncertainty of national resources and environment security, and to solve a series of bottlenecks and problems in the field of resources and environment management. The new generation of information technologies, such as big data, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and block chain, provide significant opportunities and technical support for the innovation of collaborative management of resources and environment. The collaborative management of resources and environment driven by the new generation of information technology should not only have the external characteristics of systematicness, multi-subjectivity, coordination and refinement, but also improve the value of resources and environment management through the internal logic of “point-line-plane” step-by-step progression. By innovating the theory and technology of intelligent management of resources and environment, by constructing multi-party collaborative intelligent management system of resources and environment, and by developing the integrated collaborative management platform of resources and environment, the intelligent collaborative management of resources and environment can be realized.
Key words: the new generation of information technology; resource and environment management; coordination management
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