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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 在阿甘本的生命政治逻辑中,资本主义共同体的结构建基依赖于神圣机制。资本主义共同体运用神圣机制的分隔、排除结构,不断地延续自身、更新自身,并将之向现代性的各个领域扩展。生命在神圣机制宰制的资本主义共同体中,受到了极大的戕害与侵蚀。相对于神圣机制的结构性暴力,阿甘本要求以亵渎化的处理方案对之进行诊断。亵渎在本质上是去神圣化的努力,它以搁置、无视、玩忽的姿态,对资本主义共同体的神圣化操作进行弥赛亚主义的规制。然而,亵渎化的弥赛亚主义想象并没有在世俗化的领域中得以显现,它最终仍不能具备现实性的关怀。亵渎方案要想获得现实力量,就必然不能忽视马克思对资本逻辑所作的深刻批判,只有将阿甘本的亵渎方案进一步深入到资本逻辑批判的维度中,才能真正在现实中为人类共同体的良性筹划提供生命政治学的贡献。
关键词: 生命政治;神圣;亵渎;资本主义共同体;人类共同体
Agamben's bio-politics criticism at capitalist community structure and its limitations
HAO Zhichang
(School of Philosophy and Sociology, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China)
Abstract: In Agamben’s logic of bio-politics, the structure of capitalist community depends on the sacred mechanism. The capitalist community uses the separation and exclusion structure of sacred mechanism to consistently continue and update itself, and extends it to various fields of modernity. Life has been greatly harmed and eroded in the capitalist community governed by the sacred mechanism. Compared with the structural violence of the sacred mechanism, Agamben asked to diagnose it in a profane way. In essence, profanation is the antithesis of the sacred mechanism, exploiting the posture of shelving, ignoring and neglecting to restrain the sanctification of capitalist community through Messiahism. However, profaned Messiahist imagination did not manifest itself in the secularized field so that it failed to have realistic care at last. If the profane scheme hopes to gain the power of the reality, it must not ignore Marx's profound criticism at capital logic. Only by further deepening Agamben's profanation plan into the dimension of capital logic criticism, can it really provide a kind of bio-political contribution to the benign planning of human community in the reality of the times.
Key words: bio-politics; the sacred; profanation; capitalist community; human community
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