自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 20世纪晚期,随着资本的新一轮全球扩张以及第四次科技革命的迅速发展,时空现象的变迁引发了学界关于时空关系研究的后现代革命。作为后现代马克思主义者,詹姆逊敏锐观察到主体在后现代时空中遭遇的种种困境。就时间观来说,詹姆逊通过研究时间从现代到后现代的演化逻辑,认为后现代主义时间观以时间空间化为特点,而主体身处空间化的后现代时间中将会逐步面临历史感的消逝、情感的削平甚至精神分裂的断裂困境。而就空间观来说,他通过研究资本主义社会的三种空间形式,指出后现代空间以超空间为特征,而主体位于超空间中将会陷入从距离感削平到方向感消逝的迷失困境。最终,詹姆逊针对主体困境提出了认知测绘理论,促进了主体空间思考方式的兴起,为解决后现代主体困境提供了思路。然而,詹姆逊后现代主义时空观没有形成严密的理论体系,故其化解主体困境的策略也就具有一定的乌托邦色彩。
关键词: 詹姆逊;后现代主义;主体困境;时间;空间
Jameson's criticism at and transcendence over the dilemmas of the subject under postmodern view of time and space
LI Gaorong, LE Yue
(School of Marxism, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)
Abstract: In the late 20th century, with a new round of global expansion of the capital and the rapid development of the fourth scientific and technological revolution, changes in the view of time and space have triggered the postmodern revolution in the research on the relationship between time and space. Jameson, as a postmodern Marxist, sensitively observes those new dilemmas that the subject encounters in the postmodern space and time. In view of time, Jameson studies the evolutionary logic of time from modern to postmodern, and concludes that the postmodern view of time is characterized by the spacialization of time, while the subject in postmodern time will be faced, step by step, with the disappearing of historical sense, the flat emotion and even the broken dilemma of spiritual splitting. From the perspective of space, he, by studying the three forms of space in the capitalist society, concludes that the postmodern space is characterized by super space, and then the subject in the super space will be lost in both the flattening of distance and the loss of sense of direction. Finally, in the face of the dilemma of subjectivity, Jameson proposes the concept of cognitive mapping, which promotes the rise of the subject’s space thinking model and provides a thinking thread in order to solve those postmodern dilemmas of the subject. However, Jameson's postmodern view of time and space hasn’t formed a rigorous theoretical system so that his strategy of dissolving the dilemma of the subject wears a kind of utopian color.
Key words: Jameson; postmodernism; subject’s dilemma; space; time
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