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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 依法执政是中国共产党顺应时代要求提出的执政新理念,它的提出为解决中国共产党的“实质上的国家领导核心”与“形式上处于法律权力之外”这一宪政上的“悖论”提供了可能。依法执政体现了政治价值与法治价值的统合。依法执政的关键在于如何以合乎立宪主义的方式去实现“依法执政”。在坚持中国共产党的领导这一实质积极主义前提下,党的执政存在形式积极主义与形式消极主义两种立场。从宪政的一般原理上看,立法、行政与司法在公法上具有不同的性质,并且在开放性、能动性等方面具有不同的特性,要真正实现依法执政就必须依照立法、行政与司法的不同性质与特点在形式积极主义与形式消极主义间进行灵活选择,而这一切端赖于中国共产党的自我谦抑立场,如此方可实现将依法执政的政治价值与法治价值这两种不同的价值目标进行和谐统合的终极构想。
关键词: 依法执政;立宪主义;价值目标;积极主义;消极主义
On the way to the achievement of governance by law­­­——Based on the constitutionalism analysis
CHEN Yunsheng
(School of Law, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China)
Abstract: Governance by law, a new ruling notion proposed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), provides a possible solution to the constitutional paradox that the CCP is “the leading core of the nation in essence” but “beyond the legal power in form”. Governance by law embodies the combination of political and legal values. The key problem of governance by law is how to achieve it in accordance with constitutionalism. Under the prerequisite of essential positivism of insisting on the leadership of the CCP, there are two kinds of standpoints about the rule of the CCP: formal positivism and formal passivism. According to the general principles of constitutionalism, legislation, administration and judicature have different properties in public law and different features in the degree of openness and activity. To really realize governance by law, flexible choices should be made between formal positivism and formal passivism according to the different properties and features of legislation, administration and judicature, which altogether depends on the CCP’s putting itself in a modest position. Only in this way can the ultimate conception of the harmonious combination of political and legal values of governance by law come into reality.
Key words: governance by law; constitutionalism; value target; positivism; passivism
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