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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 黑格尔的历史哲学往往被批判是神秘主义的或保守主义的,即只看重绝对精神而忽视个体性。认为黑格尔哲学中本就存在个体性主观因素的学者,也大多将这一个体性视为不证自明的静态存在,从而难以准确理解黑格尔的伦理自由概念。从对《宗教哲学讲演录》的分析可以看出,黑格尔通过诠释“民众宗教”,呈现了个体性的动态发育过程:犹太教阶段首先孕育了作为“有限的精神”的个体性,但因其主体能动性不够发达,故而在“直观辩证法”运动中失衡,以献祭的悲剧告终;在基督教阶段,个体性与绝对精神处于二元结构的排斥原则下,不断进行克服中介的成长运动,最终获得实存。由此可见,黑格尔历史哲学中的个体性具有动态的发育过程,这一动态发育过程对历史的发展起到了不容忽视的推动作用。
关键词: 黑格尔;历史哲学;《宗教哲学讲演录》;个体性
The dynamic individuality and its significance in Hegel's philosophy of history: Based on the text of Hegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion
CUI Linfei
(Department of Philosophy, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
Abstract: Hegel's philosophy of history is often criticized as mysticism or conservatism. That is, he only focuses on Infinity but ignores Individuality. Those scholars who claim the existence of the objective factor of Individuality in Hegel's philosophy mostly tend to regard this Individuality as a static existence that is self-evident, which may cause the misunderstanding of Hegel’s Freedom. However, by analyzing Hegel's Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, we can find that Hegel, with the interpretation of “Volksreligion”, displays the dynamic development of Individuality in which, first of all, Judaism developed the Individuality as "limited spirit", but its prematuration led to its imbalance in the movement of the visual dialectics and thus the tragedy of the Sacrifice, while then in the period of Christianity, under the exclusion principle of dual structure, Individuality and Infinity continuously overcame mediation and finally acquired existence. Therefore, Individuality in Hegel's philosophy of history experienced a dynamic process of development, which plays an important role in promoting the development of history.
Key words: Hegel; the philosophy of history; Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion; Individuality
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