自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 冯友兰的新理学是现代儒家哲学的重要典范。在幸福论的视域中,冯友兰以生活方法为切入点,聚焦普通民众的幸福之路,构建起生活伦理图景中的“大众幸福论”;以人生哲学为切入点,统揽古今各种经典幸福观,呈现出世界哲学图景中的“损益幸福论”;以精神境界为切入点,承继儒道释哲学的精神传统,完成了中国精神图景中的“境界幸福论”。综观新理学的整体图景,冯友兰融合中西幸福观,兼顾大众与精英,使一种别开生面的“德性幸福论”得以产生,从而推进了儒家传统“孔颜之乐”的现代转型。
关键词: 冯友兰;孔颜之乐;新理学;大众幸福;损益幸福;境界幸福
A sequel of Confucius-Yan's Happiness: Three pictures of Feng Youlan's theory of virtue happiness
ZHANG Fangyu
(School of Marxism, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165, China)
Abstract: Feng Youlan's Neo-Confucianism is an important model of modern Confucian philosophy. In the view of his happiness theory, Feng Youlan, first with style of life as the perspective, focuses on ordinary people’s way of happiness and constructs “the theory of public happiness” in the picture of life ethics. Then with philosophy of life as the perspective, Feng Youlan shows a picture of world philosophy of “profit and loss theory of happiness” on the basis of summarizing various ancient and modern classical happiness concepts. And finally with the spiritual realm as perspective, Feng Youlan inherits spiritual traditions of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, and fulfills his "theory of realm happiness” in the picture of Chinese spirit. Taking the whole picture of Neo-Confucianism, Feng Youlan integrates both Chinese and Western happiness concepts, gives dual considerations of both public and elite, and produces a spectacular “theory of virtue happiness”, hence promoting the modern transformation of the traditional Confucius-Yan’s Happiness.
Key words: Feng Youlan; Confucius-Yan’s Happiness; Neo-Confucianism; public happiness; profit-and-loss happiness; realm happiness
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