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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 刑事诉讼法没有限制认罪认罚案件被告人上诉。实践中被告人通过认罪认罚获得从宽处罚后,又提起上诉谋求二次利益,或通过“技术性上诉”滥用上诉权,出现“上诉引发抗诉”等现象,导致学界和实务界对该类案件的被告人是否享有上诉权产生争议。认罪认罚从宽制度以提高诉讼效率、实现程序分流作为价值目标,建构该类案件被告人上诉制度需要构建与其相适应的二审程序,并且完善值班律师制度、构建控辩协商程序和规范量刑建议制度等,以推进该制度有效实施。
关键词: 认罪认罚案件;上诉;二审程序;控辩协商;量刑建议
The system construction of the defendant's appeal in the case of guilty admission and punishment
LAN Yuejun, ZHAO Huaya
(School of Law , Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China)
Abstract: The criminal procedure law does not limit the defendant's appeal in the case of guilty admission. In practice, after the defendant obtains a lenient punishment through admission of guilt, he files an appeal to seek secondary benefits or abuses the right of appeal through "technical appeal", resulting in the phenomenon that "the appeal leads to protest", which brings about disputes in the academic and practical circles over whether the defendant in such cases has the right of appeal. Taking improving the efficiency of the lawsuit and realizing the procedure diversion as the value goals, the system of lenient admission and punishment should be set up, and to construct the defendant's appeal system, we must construct the second instance proceedings, improve the system of on-duty lawyer, set up the procedure of prosecution and defense consultation, and regulate the system of sentencing recommendation, so as to promote the effective implementation of the system.
Key words: case of guilty admission and punishment; appeal; second instance proceedings; consultation between prosecution and defense; sentencing recommendation
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