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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 南朝刘宋孝武帝即位之初,一方面要延续文帝重用士族的政策,另一方面又要协调自己的故吏与文帝旧臣之间的利益关系,于是在文官、武官两个系统中分别安排了颜竣-谢庄-何偃的组合,以及柳元景-王僧达-何尚之的组合,再加上江夏王刘义恭和建平王刘宏这样的皇室代表,孝武帝在中央构建了一个包括甲族、次等士族和皇族在内的相对平衡的权力结构。大明二年,随着刘宏、何偃的相继去世,王僧达被杀,以及此前以颜竣为代表的次等士族多次触犯孝武帝,之前的中央权力平衡完全瓦解,给了以戴法兴为代表的寒人绝佳的获取权力的机会,出现了“寒人掌机要”的现象。
关键词: 刘宋孝武帝;中央权力结构;大明二年;寒人掌机要
The turning in the 2nd year of Daming: Construction and dissolution of the political balance as well as the chance for the common people to seize the power at the beginning of the Emperor Xiaowu of Liu Song Dynasty
HE Zhaofeng
(School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China)
Abstract: At the beginning of seizing the power, Emperor Xiaowu of Liu Song Dynasty continued the Emperor Wen’s policy of putting a high value on the aristocrats on the one hand, and on the other hand had to balance the interests between his own officials and those of the older generation of Emperor Wen, arranging respectively in two systems of civil officials and military officials Yanjun-Xiezhuang-Heyan combination, Liu Yuanjing- Wang Sengda-He Shangzhi combination, and the imperial clan members such as King of Jiangxia Liu Yigong and King of Jianping Liu Hong. In this way, Emperor Xiaowu constructed a relatively stable central power structure composed of the first-class families, the second-class families and the imperial clan members to obtain the balance between different interest groups. But in the second year of Daming, with the deaths of Liu Hong and He Yan one after another, with Wang Sengda being killed, and with the previous inferior aristocrats represented by Yan Jun offending Emperor Wu numerous times, the previous national political balance was dissolved. This left the common people, represented by Dai Faxing, a perfect chance to seize the power so that there occurred the phenomenon that common people seized key positions in the court.
Key words: Emperor Xiaowu of Liu Song Dynasty; the framework of the central power; the second year of Daming; the common people seizing key positions in the court
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