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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 属地管理原则在基层党内问责中的滥用及其矫正,是当前属地管理和党内问责交叉性研究中的薄弱环节,亟待深入研究。从“角色责任→因果责任→能力责任→课责责任”分析框架来看,属地管理原则的滥用主要体现在:有的基层党内问责主体在未厘清基层条块系统的角色责任、未判明党组织和党员领导干部的因果责任和能力责任的情况下,滥用属地管理原则草率认定问责对象。鉴于此,基层党内问责主体应当将厘清基层条块系统的角色责任作为适用属地管理原则的前提条件,将判明基层党组织和党员领导干部的因果责任和能力责任作为适用属地管理原则的后续归责环节,以矫正滥用属地管理原则的行为。
关键词: 属地管理原则;党内问责;责任理论
Abuse and its redress of the territorial management principles in the grassroots intra-party accountability
LV Yongxiang, WANG Lifeng
(Research Center of Party Law, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China;
School of Administration, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China)
Abstract: Abuse and its redress of the territorial management principles in the grassroots intra-party accountability is not only a prominent practical problem, but also a weak point in the cross-section study of territorial management and accountability within the party, hence calling for urgent and profound study. In Hart's responsibility theory, the analysis framework of “role responsibility → causal responsibility → capacity responsibility → liability responsibility” can compatibly explain the abuse of territorial management principles which is mainly reflected in that some grassroots party accountability entities abuse the accountability object recklessly identified under the circumstances that they have not clarified the role responsibilities of the grassroots block system, and have not identified the causal responsibility and capacity responsibility of the grassroots party organizations and party cadres. In view of these, the grassroots intra-party accountability subject should clarify the role responsibility of the grassroots block system as the prerequisite for the application of the territorial management principles, and take judging the causal responsibility and capacity responsibility of the grassroots party organizations and party cadres as the follow-up responsibility attribution process of the application territorial management principles so as to redress the abuse of territorial management principle.
Key words: Territorial Management Principle; Intra-Party Accountability; Responsibility Theory
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