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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 增大并优化服务投入以促进国际竞争力,是近年来备受各国重视的农业发展战略,但很少有文献在全球价值链框架中探讨其中的机制。为此,将GVC位置权利区分为购买者权利和生产者权利,并基于6位数农产品进出口数据构建了测度方法,利用变量广义指数自回归条件异方差模型检验了异质性服务投入影响我国农业GVC位置权利的机制和效应。结果表明:对初级农产品GVC购买者权利的影响,国内服务投入与进口服务投入的作用是相互替代的,且分别呈现“U”型和倒“U”型变化趋势;对初级农产品GVC生产者权利的影响,国内服务投入与进口服务投入的影响则是互补的,且均呈现“U”型变化趋势;对加工农产品GVC的购买者权利和生产者权利的影响,国内服务投入与进口服务投入的作用分别表现为倒“U”型和“U”型变化趋势,它们的作用具有明显的替代性。未来应防范我国初级农产品GVC过度服务化,着力优化和提升加工农产品GVC的服务投入结构、水平和质量,增强服务投入与生产环节的融合。
关键词: 服务投入;农产品全球价值链;购买者权利;生产者权利
Service input and position rights of China's agricultural Global Value Chains
(School of Economics, Southwest University of Political Science & Law, Chongqing 401120, China)
Abstract: Increasing and optimizing service input to promote international competitiveness is an agricultural development strategy that has received much attention in recent years, but few literatures discuss the mechanism in the framework of global value chain (GVC). For this reason, this paper divided the GVC position rights of a country and the industry into buyer's rights and producer's rights in the GVC, and constructed a measurement method based on 6-figure agricultural product import and export data. The multivariate generalized exponential autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model was employed to test the mechanism and effect of heterogeneous service inputs on agricultural GVC position rights of China. The results show that the effects of domestic and import service inputs on the rights of GVC purchasers of primary agricultural products are substitute relationship, and present “U” and “inverted-U” shaped change trends respectively. On the rights of GVC producers of primary agricultural products, the effects of domestic and import service input are complementary and both show a U-shaped change trend. On the buyer's rights and producer's rights of GVC of processed agricultural products, the effects of domestic and import service input are shown as inverted “U” shaped and “U” shaped change trends respectively and their effects are obviously substitutive. In the future, we should avoid the excessive servitization of GVC in China's primary agricultural products and strive to improve the structure and increase level and quality of service input in order to enhance the linkage between service input and production in GVC of processed agricultural products.
Key words: service input; global value chains (GVC) of agricultural products; purchaser's rights; producer's rights
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