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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 国际投资争端调解并非新生事物,但在实践中的使用率和成功率均不理想。晚近以来,随着多元化争议解决方式的兴起,加之传统投资仲裁机制饱受诟病,调解的优势重新被各界所认识。调解规则领域出现一系列改革新动向,运用调解方式解决国际投资争端受到前所未有的重视。调解机制能否真正在投资争端解决中发挥重要作用,取决于能否有效解决和解协议的可执行性欠缺、东道国政府调解意愿欠缺以及调解保密性与投资争端解决透明度需求之间的冲突。《新加坡公约》的通过为解决和解协议的可执行性指明了方向,政府对问责制的回避也不应成为放弃调解的理由,平衡调解保密性与投资争端解决透明度需求,将是调解能否真正“复兴”的关键。
关键词: 国际投资争端解决;调解;政府对问责制的回避;保密;可执行性
Recent development and institutional dilemma of the mediation mechanism for international investment disputes
QI Tong, FAN Xiaoyu
(School of Law, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)
Abstract: The mediation of international investment disputes is nothing new, but the utilization rate and success rate in practice are not ideal. Recently, with the rise of diversified dispute resolution methods, and with constant criticism of the traditional investment arbitration mechanism, the advantages of mediation have been recognized by all walks of life. A series of new reform trends have emerged in the field of mediation rules, and the use of mediation to resolve international investment disputes has received unprecedented attention. Whether the mediation mechanism can really play an important role in the settlement of investment disputes depends on whether it can effectively resolve the lack of enforceability of the settlement agreement, the lack of willingness of the host government to mediate, and the conflict between the confidentiality of mediation and the need for transparency in the settlement of investment disputes. The adoption of The Singapore Convention points the direction to resolving the enforceability of the settlement agreements, and the government's avoidance of accountability should not be a reason to abandon mediation. And balancing the confidentiality of mediation and the need for transparency in the settlement of investment disputes will be the key to whether mediation can truly “rejuvenate”.
Key words: international investment dispute settlement; conciliation/mediation; government's avoidance of accountability; confidentiality; enforceability
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