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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 在风险社会时代,有效防范化解公共安全风险离不开个体力量的聚合与参与。但公众个体是否选择积极参与防范化解公共安全风险,本质上是一个不确定的决策或选择。前景理论作为一个在风险条件下做选择的理论模型,为理解公共安全风险防范中公众个体的心理规律和行为逻辑提供了一种新的理论视角。根据前景理论,公众个体在面对公共安全风险时会采取何种行为取决于其所设定的现状参照点以及在此基础上构建的价值函数和决策权重函数,也即公众个体通常会依据自身利益现状以及在此基础上形成的风险偏好和风险认知而采取某种行为。结果是,公众个体在面对公共安全风险时通常会采取冷漠围观而不是积极参与行为。因此,可以通过影响个体的决策参照点、改变个体的风险偏好和风险认知,促进个体积极参与公共安全风险防范,进而构建共建共治共享的公共安全体系。
关键词: 公共安全风险防范;公众个体参与;个体行为逻辑;前景理论
Behavioral logic of the individual in public security risk prevention: Based on the perspective of prospect theory
SUN Yifeng
(Department of Education and Research in Public Administration, Party School of the Hunan Provincial Committee of C.P.C, Changsha 410006, China)
Abstract: In the era of risk society, effective prevention and resolution of public security risks cannot be separated from the aggregation and participation of individual power. However, whether the public individual chooses to actively participate in preventing and defusing public security risks is essentially a decision or choice issue under uncertain conditions. Prospect theory, as a theoretical model of making choices under risk conditions, provides a new theoretical perspective for understanding the psychological law and behavioral logic of individual in public security risk prevention. According to the prospect theory, what kind of behavior the public individual takes in the face of public security risks depends on the status quo reference point set by them and the value function and decision weight function constructed on this basis. That is, the public individual usually takes certain behaviors according to the status quo of their own interests and the risk preference and risk cognition formed on this basis. As a result, the public individual often adopts apathy rather than participating actively in public security risk prevention. Therefore, individuals can be promoted to actively participate in the prevention of public security risks by influencing their decision-making reference points, changing their risk preference and risk perception, and promoting individual active participation in public safety risk prevention so as to build a public security system of joint construction, joint governance and Shared benefits.
Key words: public safety risk prevention; public individual participation; the logic of individual behavior; prospect theory
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