自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 生态文明先行示范区的设立是生态文明建设过程中的一项重要政策。利用考虑非期望产出的Undesirable Output模型测算了湖南省2007—2016年80个县市的农业绿色效率,采用倾向得分匹配法(PSM)和双重差分法(DID)检验了首批生态文明先行示范区的设立对于农业绿色效率的净效应,研究结果表明:生态文明先行示范区的设立对于农业绿色效率存在显著的正向影响,可以使农业绿色效率增长6.7%,多种稳健性检验均证明了这一提升作用是真实存在的。但是该政策效应存在一段滞后期,且具有一定的持续性,在短期内,作用强度随着时间的推后而不断增强。影响机制检验发现生态文明先行示范区政策主要依靠人力资本来推动农业绿色效率的增长。
关键词: 生态文明先行示范区;农业绿色效率;Undesirable Output模型;PSM-DID
Can the establishment of ecological civilization demonstration zones improve agricultural green efficiency? Based on the empirical data of Hunan province
LU Shan, XIONG Jiao
(School of Economics and Trade, Hunan University of Technology and Business, Changsha 410205, China)
Abstract: The establishment of ecological civilization demonstration zone is an important policy in the process of ecological civilization construction. This study, by adopting Undesirable Output Model, that is, the model considering unexpected output, measures the agricultural green efficiency of 80 counties and cities in Hunan Province from 2007 to 2016, and, by using propensity score matching (PSM) and double difference method (DID), tests the net effect of the establishment of the first batch of ecological civilization demonstration areas on agricultural green efficiency. The results show that the establishment of ecological civilization demonstration zones exerts a significantly positive impact on agricultural green efficiency, being able to increase the agricultural green efficiency by 6.7%. And a variety of robustness tests have proved that this improvement effect is factual. However, the policy effect has a lag period and certain persistence. In the short term, the intensity of the effect continues to increase with the postponement of time. Influence mechanism inspection finds that the policy of the ecological civilization demonstration zone mainly relies on human capital to promote the efficiency of agricultural green growth.
Key words: establishment of ecological civilization demonstration zone; agricultural green efficiency; Undesirable Output Model; PSM-DID
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