自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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张卫良, 龚珊
摘  要: 维护网络空间主流意识形态安全,需要认识和把握网络意识形态的运动特点。网络意识形态作为技术逻辑与意识形态形成发展逻辑相互作用的产物,一方面具有区别于传统社会主流意识形态的技术自然属性特质,另一方面具有可与不同思想意识相兼容的价值引导特质。实现网络意识形态回归主流意识形态的价值诉求,要求既关照技术自然属性特质带来的技术理性标准适用范围的扩大化,又要防止价值引导特质带来的多元价值取向的消极化。具体而言,须从以下三个维度来维护主流意识形态安全:在技术设计维度,将技术产品与主流意识形态氛围相融合;在技术行为维度,将技术规约与制度建设相配合;在网络参与维度,将网络意义空间与向上向善文化相契合。
关键词: 主流意识形态安全;网络意识形态;技术理性
Duality of network ideology and the maintenance of mainstream ideology
ZHANG Weiliang, GONG Shan
(School of Marxism, Central South University, Changsha410083, China)
Abstract: Maintaining mainstream ideology security in cyberspace requires understanding and grasping the movement characteristics of network ideology. As a product of the logical interaction between technological logic and ideology, network ideology, on the one hand, has the characteristics of technical natural attributes that are different from traditional ideology. On the other hand, it has the value guiding traits that can be compatible with social consciousness of different value orientations. To realize the return of network ideology to the mainstream ideological value appeal, it is required to take into account the expansion of the scope of application of technical rationality standards brought about by the nature of technical natural attributes, and the negative of the multi-value orientation brought about by the value-oriented characteristics. Specifically, mainstream ideology security must be maintained from the following three dimensions. In the technical design dimension, the technical products are integrated with the mainstream ideology atmosphere. In the technical behavior dimension, the technical statute is coordinated with the system construction. And in the network participation dimension, the network meaning space is aligned with the upward culture.
Key words: maintaining mainstream ideology security; network ideology; network ideology reason
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