自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 儒家核心价值是由仁、义、智构成的价值三角,礼、信、廉、耻、忠、孝、勇等其他价值都是在核心价值之外的次级价值。儒家核心价值的普世性不仅在于其与西方普世价值中的公共性及科学理性的殊途同归,更在于它是人类进化的必然归宿,且经过了古今中外的实践验证。儒家的核心价值在治理领域的逻辑延展就形成了治理儒学,即以防范和解决社会问题为研究进路的儒学。其基本要点有五:第一,以防范及解决社会问题(或称社会事务、公共事务、公共问题)为最终归依的儒学目的论;第二,以仁、义、智为核心价值的儒家社会建构与制度安排论;第三,以格致诚正(内圣)、修齐治平(外王)为个人参与社会治理的儒家治理技术路线论;第四,在治国理政领域重义甚于重仁的义政论(区别于传统的仁政论);第五,强调儒家的治理思想与当代公共管理学理论的相互滋养与阐发。
关键词: 治理儒学;普世价值;政治儒学;核心价值;需求溢出
The universality of Confucian core values and the proposal of governance Confucianism: Also on the significance of governance Confucianism to public administration
LIU Taigang
(School of Public Administration and Policy, Remin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)
Abstract: The framework of Confucian core values is a triangle consisting of benevolence, righteousness and wisdom. There are secondary values outside core values, such as courtesy, faith, integrity, shame, loyalty, filialness, courage, etc. The universality of Confucian core values lies in the same goal of publicity and scientific rationality shared by western universal values, as well as the inevitable result of human evolution practically verified by history. Core values’ logical extension in governance field becomes governance Confucianism, which takes preventing and solving social problems as its research approach. It has five basic elements. First, its ultimate goal is to prevent and solve social problems, which are also called social affairs, public affairs or public problems. Second, its social construction and institutional arrangement is based on core values. Third, it takes being sage inside and being kingly outside as the technique route for individuals to participate in social governance. Fourth, it puts a greater emphasis on righteousness than on benevolence when governing state affairs. Fifth, paying attention to nourishing and elucidating between governance Confucianism and contemporary theories on public administration each other.
Key words: governance Confucianism; universal values; political Confucianism; core values; need spillover
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