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摘  要: 1927年8月,斯大林首提“保卫苏联”政治性口号。在此口号指引下,受意识形态和世界革命理念的影响,王明等人机械地执行共产国际指示,导致中国革命遭受严重损失。随着法西斯战争威胁日渐加深,共产国际开始尝试摆脱“左”倾思维束缚,季米特洛夫主持工作期间,共产国际完成了政策调整。在重新审视革命同盟军的过程中,王明统战思想渐次发生转变,并在1935年前后考虑建立抗日民族统一战线。1935年7月,王明用4天时间起草了《八一宣言》初稿。7月15日至20日,中共代表团多次讨论和修改宣言内容。7月30日,胡秋原对宣言做进一步润色。在斯大林和季米特洛夫阅后认可的基础上,共产国际又进行三次讨论,于9月24日批准了宣言。10月1日,《救国报》首次刊登宣言。
关键词: 《八一宣言》; 中共驻共产国际代表团; 抗日民族统一战线
From “the defense of the Soviet Union” to “the Anti-Japanese national United Front”: An exploration of the forming process of the August 1st Declaration
ZHANG Tao, QI Weiping
(Department of Politics, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China)
Abstract: In August 1927, Stalin first proposed the political slogan of “Defending the Soviet Union”. Under the guidance of this slogan, influenced by ideology and the concept of world revolution, Wang Ming and others mechanically implemented the instructions of the Communist International, resulting in serious losses to the Chinese revolution. As the threat of the Fascist War deepened, the Communist International began to try to get rid of the shackles of "left-leaning" thinking. During Dimitrov’s presidency, the Communist International completed the policy adjustment. In the process of re-examining the revolutionary allied forces, Wang Ming’s thought of united front gradually changed, and he considered establishing an Anti-Japanese National United Front around 1935. In July 1935, Wang Ming spent four days drawing up the first draft of the August 1st Declaration. From July 15th to 20th, the delegation of the Communist Party of China discussed and amended the contents of the declaration many times. On July 30th, Hu Qiuyuan made a further embellishment of the declaration. After the approval of Stalin and Dimitrov, the Communist International held three discussions and authorized the declaration on September 24. On October 1st, the National Salvation Newspaper published the declaration for the first time.
Key words: August 1st Declaration; communist international delegation of the Communist Party of China; Anti-Japanese National United Front
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